Friday, September 17, 2010

Political Mudslinging

With the governors race heating up it should be no surprise to us TV watchers, that a barrage of negative campaign ads are on their way.  Is it me, or does it seem that instead of highlighting positive accomplishments and providing examples of qualifications for leading the state into the next biennium, politicians decide to resort to good 'ol fashioned trash talk.

As if those negative TV ads were annoying enough, the information and truths conveyed in such ads aren't as reliable as one would hope.  In an article from three shots aimed at Bill White, by the Rick Perry, are merely falsities or half truths at best. 

I know, big shocker right?  Politicians not telling the whole truth!

What concerns me most is that people, once exposed to such ads twisting the facts about another candidate, will believe such accusations toward said opponent.   

This article is worth reading because it helps try and set the facts straight about some of the claims Governor Perry has alleged against Bill White's record as mayor of Houston.  I'd like to thank W. Gardner Selby for publishing this article, revisiting Perry's ads, and for lifting the blinds to show more of the truth.