Friday, October 15, 2010

Undermining Texas

It has been reported that Gov. Rick Perry has approved an award of $4.5 million to a start-up company founded by David G. Nance, a campaign supporter of Perry.  Some might think, so what?  Who cares?  Well I care, and I think all Texans should care about Perry’s complete disregard of ethical principles while governing our state.  Phillip Martin (author of “Rick Perry’s Political Machine Is Selling State Government”) and I both seem to be bothered by his unscrupulous business practices and miss use of state funds.
The $4.5 million given to Nance and his company (Convergen Lifesciences Inc.) was awarded from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.  The funds are earmarked for new business start-ups that meet the requirements of the statewide advisory board and committee.  There is an application process to receive such funding, followed by a review by the committee in order to award new tech companies state funding.  Gov. Perry completely bypassed the review process of the tech fund board, who by the way denied giving the $4.5 million to Convergen, and handed over taxpayers’ money to his “buddy”.  This is a governor who seems to do whatever he wants and uses his executive powers in an exploitive fashion to benefit himself, his campaign supporters, and his cronies. 
The evidence of corruption in Perry’s executive office couldn’t be clearer.  A man that bypasses his own legislation at his own personal discretion is a man that Texan’s do not need in office.  If this isn’t a wake-up call to voters, then I don’t know what is.  This is just one example of a plethora of shady business standards that Gov. Perry has displayed during his reign.  How long are we going to stand by and watch?

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